Monday, November 2, 2009

This is Edward

This is Edward. Isn't he cute! He lives in Uganda in the slums where our friend Cari works. He's eleven or twelve years old. We're not sure because he is an orphan. Both of his parents have died and no one can remember his birth date. He is very polite and never complains. He likes to play soccer. If you are looking for him, Cari says that he's usually at home helping his grandmother. Eric met Edward earlier this year when he went to visit Cari. Edward along with several of his cousins live with his grandmother in the slums. They are all orphaned from HIV. Eric, Grant and I sponsored Edward in March of this year. He's going to school now, has food to eat and is learning about the Love of Jesus. He has never been to school before because there was no money to pay the school fees and to buy the uniforms and books - but he's already made it to the 2nd grade! I can't believe I get to sponsor him! Really, what an honor it is to play a part of his future - immediate and eternal! One day soon, I hope that Grant can visit Edward and meet his grandmother and cousins and maybe even play soccer with him! Now how fun would that be. You can sponsor a child too that Cari knows. There are many who are waiting. Our friend Cari will send you a picture and tell you your child's story too. You can find her on our website - or the Vision of Destiny - Cari is one of Every Nation's missionaries. She started Vision of Destiny. She's making a difference one life at a time.
Johnathan needs a sponsor...
So does Kevin...
Eric with Cari in the slums near her school - March 2009.

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